Russian Robotics Week 2020 was held on September 21-27 in St. Petersburg
Russian Robotics Week is held within the framework of the European Week of Robotics, which for many years has been annually held by the European Association EU Robotics, now in more than 40 European countries and is aimed at popularizing and promoting all aspects of the production, implementation and use of robotics, as well as stimulating interest youth to robotics.
In 2020, the week of robotization is held in Russia for the second time. As in the past year, the Russian coordinator from EU Robotics and the organizer of the Russian Week of Robotization is the Cluster of high technology and engineering enterprises “Creonomyca” of the Russian Federation.
The general partners of the Russian Week of Robotization 2020 are KUKA and Concern R-Pro . Official partners are many international and Russian companies working in the production of industrial robots, system integration of robotics, the supply of digital programming and control systems for robots, industrial safety systems, technological equipment for robotics, etc., including Rethink Robotics, Inrotech, Visual Components, Delfoi , Sick, Shunck, IITB, Delta TG, Ural PLM, ELMA RPA, LINKAS, etc.
The organization of the event was supported by the National Association of Robotization Market Participants (RAR), the Institute of Innovative Technologies in Business, the SUAI University, St. Petersburg State Economic University and other partners. Representatives of many industry media provided information support.
Rethinking the role and prospects for the development of industrial robotics in the context of overcoming the consequences of the coronavirus pandemic
The Industrial Robotization Forum, which was held on September 23-24, 2020 in an online format, due to sanitary and epidemiological restrictions affecting almost all spheres of life this year, focused on the problems and challenges facing the participants of the robotization market in connection with the pandemic, as well as on the existing market prospects opening up in the current environment. The plenary session of the forum was devoted to an exciting discussion of rethinking the role of robotics in modern conditions.

The plenary session was opened by Bernt Lippert, President of EU Robotics, who welcomed the audience as the organizer of the European Robotics Week and noted the interest in cooperation with the Creonomics Cluster in developing relations between the EU and Russian robotics market participants. The assessments of the international and Russian industrial robotics market from the Vice President and Gen. Director of KUKA EMEA, Latin America and India, Jonas Glimden and Gen. Director of KUKA Russia Dmitry Kapishnikov. If, according to Mr. Glimden, the international market is now in stagnation, then, oddly enough, the Russian one, which before the pandemic had a very small share of the international, has recently, according to Dmitry Kapishnikov, showing growth, which certainly inspired optimism among the Russian participants in the meeting. Dmitry’s words were also confirmed by Alisa Konyukhovskaya, the executive director of the RAR, saying that according to the research conducted by the RAR, many participants in the domestic market have generated many new solutions for the use of robotics that help solve the problems associated with COVID-19.
Robotization in mechanical engineering, oil and gas sector and energy, light, food and pharmaceutical industries, warehouse logistics and other industries

The most interesting reports were presented at the breakout sessions of the forum. Manufacturers and system integrators of robots presented their robotic solutions – specialists from the leading international manufacturer KUKA spoke about all aspects of their wide range of products, representatives of the Danish company Inrotech demonstrated the work of their robots with artificial intelligence that do not require programming. There were also reports on the Rethink Robotics Sawyer collaborative robots. Industrial companies spoke about their experience in implementing robotic systems.
Engineering of robotic systems. Digital twins and offline programming of robots. Digital manufacturing
President of Concern R-Pro A. Korablev and other experts of the Concern, as well as partners, international partners of the Concern – Visual Components and Delfoi, spoke about the Concern’s solutions for the creation and use of digital twins, in particular, for simulation and optimization of production processes, in including to ensure sanitary and epidemiological standards, as well as offline programming of robots, which can be performed remotely, which is also very important in a pandemic. An important aspect of the success of robotization is the introduction of digital planning and production management, which was also reported during the corresponding breakout session of the Forum.

Prospects for the development of the domestic robotic industry

Leading robot manufacturers working in the domestic market, system integrators, representatives of industrial enterprises, executive authorities and development institutions discussed the problems and prospects for the development of the domestic market in the framework of the discussion, which was organized by the RAR. On the one hand, the market is still growing, albeit insignificantly. On the other hand, the Russian economy is in a difficult state, therefore, according to experts, today the key problem for market participants is the problems of sustainable demand, as well as the solvency of clients interested in robotization. In addition, in comparison with developed countries, there is the problem of the need for Russian companies to acquire innovative knowledge, and the culture of introducing and using advanced technologies, and striving for industrial leadership.
Development of science and education in the field of robotization

The section dedicated to the development of science and education in the field of industrial robotics touched upon issues of both secondary and higher education, as well as advanced training of personnel in working with robotics, as well as conducting R&D projects and programs aimed at increasing the efficiency of robotization, including optimizing it. work, application of technical vision systems, VR / AR, artificial intelligence, etc. The Institute of Innovative Technologies in Business presented at the Forum a scientific and educational center for industrial robotics. The Institute has created a unique infrastructure, including classrooms and R&D laboratories equipped according to the most modern standards, equipped with industrial and collaborative robots, automation equipment, industrial systems. security and those. vision, digital systems, VR / AR equipment, etc. The Institute can become an industry growth center for enterprises and organizations interested in the innovative implementation of both robotization and, in general, Industry 4.0 solutions.
Robotics Skills is a competition for schoolchildren and students in industrial and mobile robotics
In the days of the Russian Week of Robotics 2020, youth competitions were held at the SUAI University in mobile robotics and at the Malokhtinsky College in industrial robotics, held according to World Skills standards. Representatives of leading companies participating in the Industrial Robotics Forum welcomed the participants of the competition.